Dec 2, 2009 @ 12:54 PM
goodbye exams, hello FABULOUS DECEMBER!!
studying for dosage form felt like FOREVER because there was simply too much to remember. after awhile, i just gave the same examples 'tragacanth, acacia and gelatin' to describe completely different concepts because they started to confuse me and i didn't really bother anymore.
anyway the moment all the papers were collected, we were unleashed!!! well not really though, that night at natalia's bbq, it still felt like we weren't quite done with school yet. somehow everything feels so unreal. like i'm sitting here and feeling rather weird because i don't have to keep checking IVLE for new lecture notes or rush through some prac report for submission the week after. i'm such a nerd, although all that is going to change tonight. BUTTER YO! you dont know how long i've been waiting for you.....
so after the paper, suelynn cassy and i went to browhaus village. hate how the people who do your eyebrows always have to make conversation in mandarin- something i completely suck at. here i am, already concentrating like hell on enduring the prickly pain, and i still have to crack my head to translate the english words in my head into the limited mandarin that i know to break the awkward silence.
anyway the new eyebrows scared me for awhile. but i think they're actually much better than the previous ones (: i bought the package too. it feels abit painful spending $107 on my eyebrows in a single day. but i guess at least i wont have to pay for them for the next 2 years (:
accompanied suelynn to do her eyebrows at far east afterwards. aiyoooo the eyebrow auntie's dog was sho kewt!!! its like a stuffed toy and apart from it mopping the entire area of my leg with its tongue (hate it when dogs lick me), i really love it!

hahaha anyhow, nat's bbq that night was awesome! minus the huge hiccup at the start, because the boyz were late and it was impossible to get the fire going. but kaye and yuxi the heroes managed to work it out. hahah i was keeping my distance because i have a phobia of my contacts melting, and because i'm lazy la huh. besides, eye power always works better from a distance.
finally when the boyz came, they took over the cooking, which was a relief because everyone was very worried that i'd screw up all the satays. i kept dropping them into the charcoal because i didn't want to burn my hands and i didn't have that good psychomotor skills with the thongs either. so i resumed to what i do best- eating! :D

ben brought the vodka and i went home high hahaha. its amazing how i managed to focus all my energy into getting myself home on a bus.
well and finally,

when i'm taking a photo, kaye says "hey sexy~!"
sunny tuesday was spent at underwater world @ sentosa! it was blistering hot and it was a pity i didn't bring my beach things. otherwise i would've jumped out of my clothes (bikini underneath of course) and ran out into the glorious sun. well underwater world was quite spastic because fish don't do anything but look stupid for the camera. nonetheless, it was pretty fun to marvel at all of nature's beauty in captive for the sake of commercial gains.
and great for photowhoring too! although it was physically challenging to take photos on the conveyor belt. hahaha and damn the stupid sharks for swimming too quickly for my camera's lousy shutter speed.

spot the fish!
the only different thing about the underwater world was that they decided to combine it with the dolphin lagoon. but the dolphins weren't ready to be caressed by ignorant humans yet, so they only opened up the place for the sealion show for now.

the hot japanese sealion trainer.
i bet she could make grown men do sealion tricks too.

after that, we explored the new wavehouse at siloso beach. they basically have machines to create the perfect wave for surfing, so that deprived Singaporeans dont have to take a plane all the way to aussie just to learn how to surf. it looks damn cool and i would add it to my bucket list of things to do, but i'm afraid that it would have to be last on the list because i suspect it would be the reason why i'm kicking the bucket.
ooh there're also 2 new CDM-like places to tan at too! which is a relief, because i don't want to go back to CDM anytime soon :S
the sun was fantastick. i'm going to go back next week for a real tan! :D

explored imbiah/merlion area for the first time too! lazed at this wooden swing for ages because the sun was so exhausting. hahaha some stupid tourist couple even kicked us out halfway because they wanted to take a picture on the swing. kns, its just a freaking pseudo-bench lor, your country dont have meh?
honestly can't wait for universal studios (omg i nearly typoed it as 'studious') to be up next year! although it will be impossibly crowded, because its the closest thing to disneyland we have here, it seems damn exciting!!
ahh i gotta feeling~! that december just got better (:
well and finally,

when i'm taking a photo, kaye says "hey sexy~!"
sunny tuesday was spent at underwater world @ sentosa! it was blistering hot and it was a pity i didn't bring my beach things. otherwise i would've jumped out of my clothes (bikini underneath of course) and ran out into the glorious sun. well underwater world was quite spastic because fish don't do anything but look stupid for the camera. nonetheless, it was pretty fun to marvel at all of nature's beauty in captive for the sake of commercial gains.
and great for photowhoring too! although it was physically challenging to take photos on the conveyor belt. hahaha and damn the stupid sharks for swimming too quickly for my camera's lousy shutter speed.

spot the fish!
the only different thing about the underwater world was that they decided to combine it with the dolphin lagoon. but the dolphins weren't ready to be caressed by ignorant humans yet, so they only opened up the place for the sealion show for now.

the hot japanese sealion trainer.
i bet she could make grown men do sealion tricks too.

after that, we explored the new wavehouse at siloso beach. they basically have machines to create the perfect wave for surfing, so that deprived Singaporeans dont have to take a plane all the way to aussie just to learn how to surf. it looks damn cool and i would add it to my bucket list of things to do, but i'm afraid that it would have to be last on the list because i suspect it would be the reason why i'm kicking the bucket.
ooh there're also 2 new CDM-like places to tan at too! which is a relief, because i don't want to go back to CDM anytime soon :S
the sun was fantastick. i'm going to go back next week for a real tan! :D

explored imbiah/merlion area for the first time too! lazed at this wooden swing for ages because the sun was so exhausting. hahaha some stupid tourist couple even kicked us out halfway because they wanted to take a picture on the swing. kns, its just a freaking pseudo-bench lor, your country dont have meh?
honestly can't wait for universal studios (omg i nearly typoed it as 'studious') to be up next year! although it will be impossibly crowded, because its the closest thing to disneyland we have here, it seems damn exciting!!
ahh i gotta feeling~! that december just got better (: