the long absence
Dec 14, 2009 @ 10:38 PM
cassy and i arranged to meet up with her today after many many months, since cassy is never available and melinda is always in UK. and though its been so long, it felt so much like all the times we used to hang out in AC! like old times indeed (: although cassy now has BRIGHT RAD AND ORANGE hair. omg when i was waiting outside marmalade pantry, i went to sit down at the bench right next to her because i didn't recognize her!!! LOLL
we wanted to try marmalade pantry at ION but omg it costs a BOMB! so we settled for sun with moon at wheelock. cassy is quite right actually, the place has value-for-money food. there was alotttt of food in the Salmon Teriyaki Steak set lunch! i couldn't even finish half the bowl of garlic rice, which is a good thing because i'm supposed to become skinnier heh.
i treated both of them to dessert, and i got to try to mini matcha parfait. melinda was asking for the non-mini matcha parfait, but then they didn't have it, so she ordered mochis and kept saying her mochis were bigger and shinier than ours. LOL competitive sia somebody!!
on the other hand, the duller and small mochi balls in the matcha parfait were super yummy! k they had no filling in them, but they were nice to om nom nom on! hahaha! there was also abit of red bean, some jelly things, spongecake, cornflakes (YUM!) and matcha ice-cream of course! i generally don't dig matcha ice-cream that much, but this one is, as cassy would say it, simply divine!

met jeremy afterwards to try our hands at cooking pasta! hahahaha what a joke. i barely did shit except stir fry the sausages, ham and mushroom at the safe and awkward distance away from the wok. but at least the food was edible and i hope no one gets diarrhea tomorrow- would be really bad timing, considering i'll be on a 6 hour coach journey to genting. i'm simply not cut out to be domesticated man.
gonna miss everything in Singapore over the next week! but can't wait for the amusement rides (shall psycho myself to not be a wussy pussy and take the rollercoaster), good food and shopping!!!!
farewell YALL!