the big move
Dec 20, 2009 @ 12:42 AM
after much procrastination and lots of peer pressure (that's you, jer ;) ), i have decided to import all my entries to wordpress!
still trying to get the hang of using it. the html of all my older entries are screwed up now and i'm bloody lazy to go edit all of them again. but at least there are all these interesting things like allowing you monitor blog stats, add all kinds of widgets, and loads of other functions that i've yet to explore!
so update your bookmarks fellas!
ok! i'm off to start on my genting-kl blog entry!
the long absence
Dec 14, 2009 @ 10:38 PM
cassy and i arranged to meet up with her today after many many months, since cassy is never available and melinda is always in UK. and though its been so long, it felt so much like all the times we used to hang out in AC! like old times indeed (: although cassy now has BRIGHT RAD AND ORANGE hair. omg when i was waiting outside marmalade pantry, i went to sit down at the bench right next to her because i didn't recognize her!!! LOLL
we wanted to try marmalade pantry at ION but omg it costs a BOMB! so we settled for sun with moon at wheelock. cassy is quite right actually, the place has value-for-money food. there was alotttt of food in the Salmon Teriyaki Steak set lunch! i couldn't even finish half the bowl of garlic rice, which is a good thing because i'm supposed to become skinnier heh.
i treated both of them to dessert, and i got to try to mini matcha parfait. melinda was asking for the non-mini matcha parfait, but then they didn't have it, so she ordered mochis and kept saying her mochis were bigger and shinier than ours. LOL competitive sia somebody!!
on the other hand, the duller and small mochi balls in the matcha parfait were super yummy! k they had no filling in them, but they were nice to om nom nom on! hahaha! there was also abit of red bean, some jelly things, spongecake, cornflakes (YUM!) and matcha ice-cream of course! i generally don't dig matcha ice-cream that much, but this one is, as cassy would say it, simply divine!

met jeremy afterwards to try our hands at cooking pasta! hahahaha what a joke. i barely did shit except stir fry the sausages, ham and mushroom at the safe and awkward distance away from the wok. but at least the food was edible and i hope no one gets diarrhea tomorrow- would be really bad timing, considering i'll be on a 6 hour coach journey to genting. i'm simply not cut out to be domesticated man.
gonna miss everything in Singapore over the next week! but can't wait for the amusement rides (shall psycho myself to not be a wussy pussy and take the rollercoaster), good food and shopping!!!!
farewell YALL!
RIP amber
@ 12:08 AM

today was the designated day of the week to clean the hamster cage. little did i know that it would also be the last time i'd be cleaning it.
amber was really active in the morning though. running around in the little green hamster ball while i washed all her toys. although over the past month, i did notice a significant decrease in her body size, and loss of hair ): initially i thought she had a cancerous growth on the bottom of her mouth, but then i realized that its actually her skin being exposed due to the loss of hair. she was growing all these lumps on her ears too, but the pet shop people said its common in old hamsters.
then a few days ago, her right eye became weirdly infected and she couldn't really open it fully already. but ever since she loss all the weight, she's become more active and uses the running wheel more often than before.
but you see, that's the thing about death right?
you never expect it to happen.
at about 4pm the afternoon, i spotted her slumped in an awkward position in her sleeping corner. i tried poking her, and usually she responds by jerking awake and running off to look for food. but this time, she didn't even move when i carried her out. her belly was still moving up and down regularly when she breathed, but she's basically motionless with her eyes opened.
so i let her lie on a piece of tissue to watch friends with me. k i know i'm being melodramatic, because hamsters (esp paralysed, dying ones) can't watch friends. but well, i think she'd have liked a happy atmosphere to ease the pain of death.
then half hour later she started jerking violently. gave me a freaking shock la. i thought she was gonna jerk awake and run off the arm rest. but then she remained motionless after that. and basically, the violent spams went on for the next 3 hours at each 1 minute interval.
she looked so much in pain. and i wish i could've helped to end her death quicker. but i don't know how to do that man...
then at around 730 pm, when i checked on her again, i could see that the breathing had stopped. her pupils became cloudy, and the white part gradually expanded over the next half hour that i spent just observing her. my parents came home and then i wrapped her up in tissue, put her in an empty cornflakes box, and went down with my dad to bury her. he dug a hole (i had no idea my house had a spade) and i lay amber in it, then stuck at toothpick to mark the spot.

dear amber, you've been a great pet. one who never fails to amuse me with your silly antics, like how you refuse to drink water so i never bother to change your water bottle during the week, how you love cabbage and broccoli that my mum feeds you daily, how you bite on cage bars to remind me to feed you when i've forgotten, how you attacked scarface when i tried to introduce you a new friend (the little bugger deserved it), how you pee in the strangest places and stink up the whole cage, and how you always eat sunflower seeds off my fingers when i feed them to you.
sucks that i didn't really play with her as much as i should've over the course of the 2 years. though its really strange, because i was gonna leave for KL on tuesday, and we were gonna pass amber to my neighbour to take care of her for the 5 days. but then she chose today, of all days, to pass on. i imagine it would've sucked even more if she died when i was away and couldn't get to see her. so yea, thank you amber i guess, for being so convenient and considerate.
RIP amber! you will be sorely missed...
rah rah ah ah ah~!
Dec 10, 2009 @ 2:40 PM
Finally, after 10 whole weeks, i have managed to satisfy my craving for butter cookies.
unfortunately though, last night was butter cookies' 1st anniversary and a gazilliontrillionwillion people showed up. the dancefloor was equivalent to the sardine can-like quality of zouk's phuture, except with better music.
haha i've never seen so many drunktards in my life before though! they were all sprawled in various awkward drunktard positions outside the toilet, along the corridors, and on the steps downstairs. was fighting the urge to laugh at them- a difficult thing to do when one is high. there was the completely passed-out horizontal lying position, the crouching over and vomiting position, the slumped on someone else's knees and wailing about terrible ex-bf position, and the occasional out-of-control drunktard who staggers all over the place and advising friends not to drink anymore because They are drunk.
we queued for drinks at fash, and got the cushions to ourselves for the entire time without opening bottle hahaha. got like 20 drinks in total for the 4 of us, and finished it within the hour, crazy! then there were 4 glasses of asahi, and we played the stupid 5-10 game, which i completely sucked at because my reflexes were significantly deteriorated by the alcohol.
the next minute we were playing the truth or dare iphone app. HAHA technology has really made our lives that much more convenient in every aspect.
hahaha stupid game man! generally, when playing truth or dare, i NEVER pick 'dare'. haha but in that game, nobody was allowed to pick the truth option, which made it all the more interesting ;) i remember one dare where vei had to skip around the table like he was trying out for the royal ballet academy. and another where he had to lift up his shirt fully for like 2 seconds LOL but i bet nobody caught that. hahaha my dares always seemed to be altered to achieve a particular purpose, like switching seats when the dare read 'kiss the person to your left'. LOL
when we finally hit bump, it was engorged with people. i had to fight tooth and nail (and crushing toes along the way) to enter the melee. sadly, they stopped playing all the old songs like beautiful and down ): and we missed bad romance because we went to the toilet hahaha. oh but some shanelle celeb was there. apparently she sang the annoying 'i fell in love with a dj' song. i cant remember seeing much of her, except that she had long hair and wasn't white like i'd expected.
omg tired....although clubbing is really great because in 2 weeks, i've managed to lose half the weight i'd put on already! (: what kind of diet lets you lose weight while getting high and having fun at the same time man!
mambo on the 23rd! cant wait! (:
an uneventful monday
Dec 7, 2009 @ 11:14 PM
oh god, my left arm feels awfully sore!!! and all i can think about is the slow and painful process of the Engerix B suspension diffusing out of the site of injection into the surrounding tissues.
the only reason why i'm doing this is because payday was a couple of days ago, and i feel bad for lazing around at home and taking sponsorship money without getting the hep B injection that they tasked me with a month ago.
nearly got lost in bukit merah trying to find a polyclinic. how hard could that be right? when you think about polyclinics, you think about a huge-ass building right in the middle of the heartlands, with people streaming in and out. well, some smart guy designing the town plan of bukit merah decides to place the polyclinic so strategically on the 4th level of an old hawker centre building, with numerous stairwells and lift lobbies leading up to the 4th floor but only 1 magical entrance that leads you to the main entrance of the polyclinic.
i walked up to the fourth floor at least 6 times to get to a door that has a sign plastered 'PLEASE USE THE MAIN ENTRANCE' but doesnt tell you where this freaking main entrance is.
i was surprised i wasn't overheating the thermal scanners by the time i reached the right main entrance.
spent an awfully long time in the polyclinic as well.
first, they made me see the doctor, and he said 3 jabs because my antibody count was less than 10. when i went to see the nurses, they spent a long time debating over the doctor's decision, and scurried all over to double and triple check it. but i'm grateful because they managed to reduce 3 jabs to just 1 booster.
1 for now at least. my antibodies had better multiply like hamsters in my body over the next 2 months before the review. i really dont want to get 2 more stupid jabs and a sore arm each time.
the needle was thick! ): and it hurt. made the blood test look like chicken feet. really reminded me of all the dreadful vaccinations that i had to go for in primary school. and the horror stories they tell you about them heating the needle with a flame right before it goes into your arm because they want to sterilize it. haha i wonder who came up with that, or whether the story just got passed down from the 19th century. luckily we have alcohol wipes to do the job of sterilization now.
k no excessive left-arm movement for me all week
everybody learns from disaster
Dec 5, 2009 @ 10:07 PM
haha its so hard to believe that this time last week, i was still madly depressed that the exams weren't over yet. but IT IS. and i've been having so much fun all week that it feels like 2 months since the exams have ended already haha.
1 more week in singapore before i zip off to genting and kl for 5 days! and then returning for christmas and new years (: its gonna be really exciting this year! i can feel it!
spent a lazy saturday afternoon watching american pie 7 book of love and jennifer's body. book of love was pretty standard horny comedy hahah. and unfortunately, its getting more and more predictable- i totally knew the old hooker was going to die when she was giving the guy a blowjob LOL.
and jennifer's body was more unrated that i thought?! anyway its just an excuse to have a movie with megan fox in it. megan fox kissing boys, megan fox kissing girls, really bao ga liao la. well, but i'm not going to complain because i think shes absolutely hot!
the goofy adam brody from the OC was also in it as the demonic indie band's lead singer HAHA. no idea how he managed to pull off his character as a murderous satin worshiper, but he did. i'm going to try and download the song he sang, if that was even him singing it.
ok i just wikipediaed jennifer's body and brody wasn't the one singing it -_-
i knew he couldn't have been that awesome
after 2 movies, we watched 3 episodes of HIMYM season 2 and laughed our guts out. hahaha cracks me up all the time although i've watched them before.
ok! back to slacking off the rest of the weekend with Friends (:
From small shocks to surgin' bolts
These are the signals of my spinal post
Sent down the wires through their lines and folds
Into a riot on my frontal lobe
a series of unfortunate events
Dec 4, 2009 @ 12:25 AM
last night failed to live up to 10 weeks worth of anticipation of what was to be the greatest clubbing experience ever, since everything would be heightened after the damn exams were over and wednesdays were once again free for butter cookies.
it was literally a night of unfortunate incidents, all lined up back-to-back like a harold and kumar movie.
1. i couldn't get the guestlist for butter cookies that night, so we went super early to queue for 45 minutes. finally at 1030, when we had reached the front, the bouncer rejected identification in the form of EZlink cards. at first we thought he was trying to be funny. then he pointed to a stupid sign pasted in some obscure corner on the window about a new policy that only accepts entry with IC/driver's license.
i know la, who the hell goes clubbing with ezlink cards? but i dont bring my IC because i have a phobia of losing it and having to pay $100 to get a new one. besides, i've always managed to get into butter with it. so how they hell could i have known that they were going to change their policy? i mean, they could always decide the next day that,
'OK. now we must aim to only admit entry to girls in heels because a new scientific study shows that men tend to buy drinks for girls who wear heels over those who dont. so if you don't wear heels, you cannot enter our club'
and then you don't turn up in heels because you were being practical about lasting through the wildz night without getting sore feet, then how liddat?
k ignore that whole chunk, i'm just being extremely sore and bitter because i wasted my time queueing. we did try to persuade him to close one eye since we honestly didn't know but they were really anal about it, so eventually, we had to leave...
lesson learnt: bring the fucking IC no matter what.
2. we cabbed to clarke quay to try out the zirca/rebel/arena stretch. entered rebel, dumped our bags in the $2 lockers, and then realised that we needed to queue at zirca to get the free drinks coupon. SHINGZ....
3. took our bags and left to check out arena. luckily no queue, and luckily the bouncers accept ezlink cards. seriously lor, almost every single club i've been to accepts ezlink card, then why the hell must butter be any different? gahhh!!
anyway arena resembled an air-con getai when we first went in. some spg-looking woman was singing a bad rendition of 'mercy'. the free drinks there are also pre-made, and ALL THE SAME: 98% sprite, 2% vodka. coupled with the bad music, i really felt like puking.
went back to queue by zirca and managed to get 5 drinks coupons each. when we reached the front of the queue i heard the guy telling the bouncer that there were only 15 sets of coupons left. heng least things were starting to look up. the drinks queue moved quite fast also, unlike butter. and we managed to get lychee martini! yummy (:
zirca and rebel music was not bad too! although they kept playing weird unknown songs in between awesome songs like Bad Romance, Down and What You Got. so we'd go crazy everytime a familiar song starts to play.
omg and there was 2 cages on the dancefloor at zirca! hahaha at first i was just staring in awe and thinking to myself that only the craziest people would be daring enough to get in there. but then the next minute, the two most sober people (cassy and rebecca) were climbing into the cage, and gesturing at us to join them. so i was like what the heck, this would be some kind of experience. its not everyday that you get to dance in a freaking cage right?
before i knew it, the 5 of us were in there and laughing like retards because we all couldn't believe what we just did. and then we started screaming because the cage floor was vibrating!! fearing that i would lose my balance and fall off, i grabbed the cage bars. it was then that i realised the freaking platform was moving up and down!!! wah lao damn fun leh! like some rollercoaster LOL!
well once the platform stopped moving, we jumped off and resumed to the normal dancefloor again hahaha! i can imagine the day i'd tell my daughter, 'did you know mummy danced in a cage?'
unfortunately, the cage wouldve been the safest place we'd ever be dancing in that night. which brings me to unfortunate event number 4.
4. the same situation kept repeating itself no matter where we danced at in rebel: we'd pick a nice spacious spot, sometimes it wouldn't even be in the middle of the dancefloor, and mind our own business. and in a span of 5 minutes, guys would descend like a pack of wolves (but very unlike the shirtless buff wolves in new moon) and start zooming in for the kill. at first we tried to ignore them, but fuck, some are damn aggressive and have absolutely no idea about what personal space is.
in the end, it was like playing some cat and mouse game. dodging all the grindy guys whom we've managed to recognize, and scuttling from various other vultures. now my legs are freaking tired. i bet i got more exercise that i ever did in the gym la.
on hindsight, at least we got to check out the zirca/rebel/arena scene- something we said we wanted to try this december. although butter still triumphs, despite their ridiculous rules. hope i get to go back again soon! :D

hahah whats camwhoring without the kaye's HUAT AH! pose and suelynn's prudish 'EWWW!!' pose.
anyhow, i watched the much awaited New Moon today!! <3
abit disappointing because it was as boring as the book. and i was pretty tired from the night before so i almost fell asleep during the insanely long dialogue scenes. it was so funny though. you can actually feel the overwhelming aura of sexual tension among the females in the Grand Cathay cinema. when jacob stripped off his shirt to reveal the godlike definition of abs and rippling back muscles, giggles started to erupt all throughout the cinema hahaha!
abit frightening for a 16 year old to have a body like that though. but who doesn't dream of abs right? hahaha!
well of course, rob pattinson never fails to make the most charming entrance <3
he is the epitome of charm: abstract to men and longed for by women.
ahh shall find the time to re-read the entire twilight series again this holidays! once i'm done with Twenties Girl, Five Greatest Warriors, Friends season 1-8, and the million movies i downloaded and didn't get to watch.
ok i guess i wont have time then ):
Dec 2, 2009 @ 12:54 PM
goodbye exams, hello FABULOUS DECEMBER!!
studying for dosage form felt like FOREVER because there was simply too much to remember. after awhile, i just gave the same examples 'tragacanth, acacia and gelatin' to describe completely different concepts because they started to confuse me and i didn't really bother anymore.
anyway the moment all the papers were collected, we were unleashed!!! well not really though, that night at natalia's bbq, it still felt like we weren't quite done with school yet. somehow everything feels so unreal. like i'm sitting here and feeling rather weird because i don't have to keep checking IVLE for new lecture notes or rush through some prac report for submission the week after. i'm such a nerd, although all that is going to change tonight. BUTTER YO! you dont know how long i've been waiting for you.....
so after the paper, suelynn cassy and i went to browhaus village. hate how the people who do your eyebrows always have to make conversation in mandarin- something i completely suck at. here i am, already concentrating like hell on enduring the prickly pain, and i still have to crack my head to translate the english words in my head into the limited mandarin that i know to break the awkward silence.
anyway the new eyebrows scared me for awhile. but i think they're actually much better than the previous ones (: i bought the package too. it feels abit painful spending $107 on my eyebrows in a single day. but i guess at least i wont have to pay for them for the next 2 years (:
accompanied suelynn to do her eyebrows at far east afterwards. aiyoooo the eyebrow auntie's dog was sho kewt!!! its like a stuffed toy and apart from it mopping the entire area of my leg with its tongue (hate it when dogs lick me), i really love it!

hahaha anyhow, nat's bbq that night was awesome! minus the huge hiccup at the start, because the boyz were late and it was impossible to get the fire going. but kaye and yuxi the heroes managed to work it out. hahah i was keeping my distance because i have a phobia of my contacts melting, and because i'm lazy la huh. besides, eye power always works better from a distance.
finally when the boyz came, they took over the cooking, which was a relief because everyone was very worried that i'd screw up all the satays. i kept dropping them into the charcoal because i didn't want to burn my hands and i didn't have that good psychomotor skills with the thongs either. so i resumed to what i do best- eating! :D

ben brought the vodka and i went home high hahaha. its amazing how i managed to focus all my energy into getting myself home on a bus.
well and finally,

when i'm taking a photo, kaye says "hey sexy~!"
sunny tuesday was spent at underwater world @ sentosa! it was blistering hot and it was a pity i didn't bring my beach things. otherwise i would've jumped out of my clothes (bikini underneath of course) and ran out into the glorious sun. well underwater world was quite spastic because fish don't do anything but look stupid for the camera. nonetheless, it was pretty fun to marvel at all of nature's beauty in captive for the sake of commercial gains.
and great for photowhoring too! although it was physically challenging to take photos on the conveyor belt. hahaha and damn the stupid sharks for swimming too quickly for my camera's lousy shutter speed.

spot the fish!
the only different thing about the underwater world was that they decided to combine it with the dolphin lagoon. but the dolphins weren't ready to be caressed by ignorant humans yet, so they only opened up the place for the sealion show for now.

the hot japanese sealion trainer.
i bet she could make grown men do sealion tricks too.

after that, we explored the new wavehouse at siloso beach. they basically have machines to create the perfect wave for surfing, so that deprived Singaporeans dont have to take a plane all the way to aussie just to learn how to surf. it looks damn cool and i would add it to my bucket list of things to do, but i'm afraid that it would have to be last on the list because i suspect it would be the reason why i'm kicking the bucket.
ooh there're also 2 new CDM-like places to tan at too! which is a relief, because i don't want to go back to CDM anytime soon :S
the sun was fantastick. i'm going to go back next week for a real tan! :D

explored imbiah/merlion area for the first time too! lazed at this wooden swing for ages because the sun was so exhausting. hahaha some stupid tourist couple even kicked us out halfway because they wanted to take a picture on the swing. kns, its just a freaking pseudo-bench lor, your country dont have meh?
honestly can't wait for universal studios (omg i nearly typoed it as 'studious') to be up next year! although it will be impossibly crowded, because its the closest thing to disneyland we have here, it seems damn exciting!!
ahh i gotta feeling~! that december just got better (:
well and finally,

when i'm taking a photo, kaye says "hey sexy~!"
sunny tuesday was spent at underwater world @ sentosa! it was blistering hot and it was a pity i didn't bring my beach things. otherwise i would've jumped out of my clothes (bikini underneath of course) and ran out into the glorious sun. well underwater world was quite spastic because fish don't do anything but look stupid for the camera. nonetheless, it was pretty fun to marvel at all of nature's beauty in captive for the sake of commercial gains.
and great for photowhoring too! although it was physically challenging to take photos on the conveyor belt. hahaha and damn the stupid sharks for swimming too quickly for my camera's lousy shutter speed.

spot the fish!
the only different thing about the underwater world was that they decided to combine it with the dolphin lagoon. but the dolphins weren't ready to be caressed by ignorant humans yet, so they only opened up the place for the sealion show for now.

the hot japanese sealion trainer.
i bet she could make grown men do sealion tricks too.

after that, we explored the new wavehouse at siloso beach. they basically have machines to create the perfect wave for surfing, so that deprived Singaporeans dont have to take a plane all the way to aussie just to learn how to surf. it looks damn cool and i would add it to my bucket list of things to do, but i'm afraid that it would have to be last on the list because i suspect it would be the reason why i'm kicking the bucket.
ooh there're also 2 new CDM-like places to tan at too! which is a relief, because i don't want to go back to CDM anytime soon :S
the sun was fantastick. i'm going to go back next week for a real tan! :D

explored imbiah/merlion area for the first time too! lazed at this wooden swing for ages because the sun was so exhausting. hahaha some stupid tourist couple even kicked us out halfway because they wanted to take a picture on the swing. kns, its just a freaking pseudo-bench lor, your country dont have meh?
honestly can't wait for universal studios (omg i nearly typoed it as 'studious') to be up next year! although it will be impossibly crowded, because its the closest thing to disneyland we have here, it seems damn exciting!!
ahh i gotta feeling~! that december just got better (:
whats love got to do with this?
Nov 29, 2009 @ 12:33 AM
just painted my nails with OPI's 'Kinky in Helsinki' and watched Paper Heart (: and i'm grinning to myself like a crazy idiot because tomorrow is officially the last day of the year that i will be studying my guts out! :D
Paper Heart is an unexpectedly enjoyable movie-documentary about the search for love. unfortunately, i was being shallow for the most part and thinking that the only reason why the main character can't find love is, well, because shes fugly. and that if shes so unattractive already, she shouldn't be choosy and say that she doesn't know what love is.
hahaha ya i have every excuse to be mean- i'm pmsing and dosage form design really pissed me off today.
anyway along comes michael cera, who shows up at a random party she goes to, and hits on her. at that point i was like 'WHAT???!!!' already hahaha but luckily i checked: the stupid movie is fictional -_- nonetheless, it goes to show that cera is a fantastic actor because he managed to make it look very convincing.
there are also interviews with old married couples who talk about their perception about love, and how they knew that person was 'the one'. i guess i've always been pretty cynical about stuff like that because given the circumstances that the legally and socially acceptable age to marry is set at a certain minimum age, the supposed meeting of 'the one' can only happen within a narrow time frame. furthermore, you can only meet your future spouse from the limited pool of contacts you already have. so everything can either be attributed to lucky coincidences, or forced logical progression. by the latter, i mean the scenario where two people get together and because they are both of the ripe marrying age, they get married because it is the logical thing to do at the period of time in their life.
ok yea but its a good show to watch! because the anecdotes are meaningful and inspirational. and if those interviews with married couples are not fictional, then it shows that true love exists and that marriages can magically last a lifetime! (:
1 more day of shoving the chapter 'suppositories' up my ass, giving it a good 'mixing', and applying 'ointments' to sooth the rectal abrasions i might sustain in the process.
the final stretch
Nov 26, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
another paper down! (:
stats was unexpectedly do-able. haha i won't dare to say 'easy' so liberally because i might get a shitty grade for it and have to eat my words. although it would be logical to say that since a paper is easy, therefore it would be highly possible that the entire class would get A. thus, a true A would only be achieved with imba near-perfect scores, which wouldn't be me for sure.
anyway i swear there was a typo in one of the questions. usually i wait for someone else to point or the error, or not even notice it at all haha. but Eli walked past my table and i had freaking alot of time to spare, so i spent close to 5 minutes trying to convince him that there was a typo. but he wasn't convinced ):
damn, there goes my chance to be the first to spot an error LOL.
after the exam, gen picked me up and we went to old airport road to eat! was completely famished by then and we gobbled up nice teochew porridge, with fish, egg omelette and tau-gay. and TANG YUANNN <3
i tell you, i'm so stressed i've been having the strangest dreams! last night i dreamt leighton meester was supposed to come to my void deck for some publicity event and i was trying to find her so that i could take a picture with her.
then another night i dreamt i was a prominent minister's love child. dont ask, seriously, i'm too embarrassed to say.
imperfect boys with their perfect lies
@ 12:58 AM
Barney: We both like scotch. We're both awesome.
Robin: Maybe that's the problem. Maybe there's just too much awesome here.
Barney: Yes. Two awesomes cancel each other out. I'm tired of being canceled out.
Barney: Barney Stinson is back on the market. Mothers, lock up your daughters. Daughters, lock up your MILSWANCA's.
Marshall: MILSWANCA's?
Ted: Oh wait, I can get this. Mothers I'd Like to Sleep With and Never Call Again
Barney: Correct, circle gets a square
a breather, finally
Nov 24, 2009 @ 11:24 PM
3 down!! although the past few days were such a blur because there was very little time in between all the papers. anyway, it didn't feel like much offloading after the SP and GEK papers, probably because i didn't study as hard for it as my core modules haha. but screw it, ITS OVER.
the GEK paper today was hilarious. i was literally taking my own sweet time to do the exam because there was probably like 1 hour's worth of questions in there to spread over 2 glorious hours. i think i spent more time trying to think of a sentence structure that would cleverly cram 5 sentences worth of information to fit into the sentence limit of 3. ya, wth right, the lecturers are so lazy that they limit the amount you write so that they can mark less.
and then before the exam, suelynn and i already planned to leave early to avoid the horrid after-exams bus crowds. so the plan was, once i finished, i will walk past her table and that would be her signal to leave as well.
right before the 1 hour 45 minute mark (after that you can't leave the room), i finished checking my answers and got up to leave. i strolled along the aisle, past suelynn, with an extremely generous pace, in case she missed me because my legs are so long and i walk so fast LOL. in addition to that, i dramatically clicked my calculator cover shut right next to her table for extra effects hahaha. then i went outside, and waited.
5 minutes went by and no suelynn came through the doors.
and i realised, that our fantastic plan had failed either because
1. suelynn didn't feel my lingering presence at all ):
2. suelynn didn't recognise me in my red jacket and unglam clipped up fringe.
3. suelynn was completely immersed in doing the paper diligently and needed more time- which is the most unlikely senario out of the lot.
turns out it was number 2 haha! i guess next time i'll have to take off my jacket and wave it around striptease-style while walking down the aisle. that is, if i ever get the chance to leave an exam early again.
after GEK it felt like exams were over already lol! pharm stats is on thurs evening and i've the whole of wed and thurs to study for it anyway. so i went out to enjoyyy (: watched the informant! and got a migraine because i didn't get the movie. i never get movies with fantastic reviews :/ well, but anything beats studying these days, i tell you.
IF ONLY THERE WAS NEW MOOOOONNNN SNEAKS NOW NOW NOW. then again, i wouldve gone into edward-cullen withdrawal symptoms for the next couple of days and not be able to study haha!
ok time to kick into stats yo! btw, i am 9 weeks SOBER :D can't bloody wait to be done with exams and resume my sinful addiction.
can't get the best of both worlds
Nov 22, 2009 @ 1:03 AM
the first paper was a serious wake-up call about the sheer intensity of pharmacy papers. really reminded me that its no freaking use in reading the entire syllabus three times, when you take ages to vomit the information out just to answer 1 stupid MCQ question about dilution. sometimes i wish i had a vampire's speed for that.
there were 60 MCQs and 3 structured, and logically, you're supposed to allocate an hour to each of the sections. but MCQs took me like 1.5 hours to finish. so at 1030am, i was starting my first structured question only. i tell you, the adrenaline rush was so powerful, my hands were trembling all the way and it was so hard to write.
and if that wasn't enough, eric chan came over and stared at my paper for 2 seconds before doing a mock hop of surprise, pointed to his watch and reminded me that i needed to hurry up because there's only half an hour left.
i swear i broke up into cold sweat after that from the sheer embarrassment and panic.
screwed the last 6 marks of IR and did a random match of compounds to the pictures. haha not bad, i think 1 out of 3 are correct. but i couldn't have pushed my luck that far la, considering i only had 30 seconds to make a decision.
well, what matters is that ITS OVER!! and i dont have to memorize K bands and B bands (and no, they are so not the same as korean boy bands), or remember what a nebulizer is, or drawing the egg-yolk drawings of aniline so many times until i remember the nitrosation reaction (hey hey! came in handy today at least).
then i did 6 hours of stats today until i gonged. gah, 8 more days of this nonsense! i was so stressed that i went to watch twilight again for the 3rd time and feel my heart pop into my mouth everytime edward cullen makes an appearance- yup, that is alot of heart-popping. and then i watched gossip girl and i have Bad Romance stuck in my head, which is BADDD because now i want to go clubbing ):
haha anyway, i finally signed my sponsorship bond. payday is coming on Dec 7 for the month of oct and nov. what a great way to start the fabulous month of Dec (:
but for now, intense mugging until i attain pharmacist's nirvana- the absolute state of enlightenment, when i can just look at a question and retrieve the answer to it from my mental database at lightning speed. who needs 2 hours when the only rate-limiting step will be the time taking for me to shade the OAR or write down the answer neatly?
knock you down
Nov 20, 2009 @ 12:41 AM

STUDY CAMP sem 2 2009
1000 hrs:
expected arrival at gen's. but i am at home packing my bag because i woke up late. gen also calls me and groggily tells me that she just woke up.
1030 - 1300 hrs:
finally arrive at gen's. spend much of the time doing everything else but studying.
she shows me the gorgeous $190 FCUK dress she bought.
i try it on and admire myself in the mirror,
she tries it on and admires herself in the mirror.
nat comes in at regular intervals to talk nonsense with us.
we camwhore with shades and an enormous feather pen i found lying around on her messy desk.
1300 hrs:
haha braved the torrential rains to get lunch for ourselves and nat from junction 8.
2 yakitori chicken sticks
1 prima deli chicken pie
1 mushroom cheese bun
so much for a freaking diet...
1430 - 1900 hrs:
hardcoreeeeeee muggingz!! with regular interruptions by nat's korean banter (with herself) and loud gassy burps from all the way in the living room.
1900 hrs:
DINNER TIME! at mos burger. wah i love the fries and the milk tea!! (:
2000 - 2100 hrs:
chionged the last part of my atomic spectroscopy INTRO notes. and that was all my poor brain could take. thus, this ends year 2 sem 2's study camp.
omg, why does this have to take ages to be over?
shit hot
Nov 19, 2009 @ 12:20 AM
instead of cooping myself at home and succumbing to the temptation of the refrigerator and mindless daydreams, i studied in town for the past two days!
i must say, it has been surprisingly productive. well, of course, it would never be as productive as sitting my ass down in the study room and going at it from 10am to 10pm non-stop. but i've lost much of the insane willpower i used to have for mugging, hence the adjustment this semester.
on tues, i was freezing at marina square starbucks for 6 hours with suelynn. was seriously tempted to buy a winter jacket from mango just to deal with the arctic temperatures. hahaha i was on my own half the time though, because suelynn wandered off elsewhere. so that made the mugging a little more productive haha! i even managed to escape the lure of miss selfridge and topshop, calling out to me from less than 5 metres away!
however, i got pretty distracted by the number of lesbian couples that were walking past. i've seriously never seen so many of them in my life in a single sitting! (except in sec school of course) suelynn and i were seriously worried that we'd stumbled into some lesbian congregation zone or something hahaha.
and today i hardcore-studied UV spectroscopy at paragon coffee bean. haha although the aircon was set to a more conducive temperature to study in, it was hell noisy: coffee blenders, crying toddlers, gossipy taitais, etc. luckily, i've gotten the hang of blocking out all the noise and just focusing on them B bands, K bands and R bands yo! haha and not to forget, the company of a fantastic study buddy, despite the fact that he didn't even need to be mugging at this time of the year.
tml will be the traditional OMG-ITS-EXAMS-AGAIN study camp at gen's, the one we have every semester, and probably one of the rare moments that she is focused on school.
eye on the prize:
in 2 weeks, i will be PARTYINGGGGG!!
mouse hunting
Nov 16, 2009 @ 11:47 PM
when i study, i get bored
when i'm bored, i visit amber
when i visit amber, i catch her doing strange things

blood suckers
Nov 15, 2009 @ 12:17 AM

hahaha Vampire Diaries is such a Twilight rip-off, with witches instead of werewolves, and more meddlesome humans whom they should really kill off because they are bloody annoying. har har! pun intended.
the only reason i'm watching it is because of Ian Somerhalder!
he played Boone in Lost, and then he died after the first season ): i seem to have some unfortunate affinity for hot actors and them dying off not long after. anyway, he's finally back in the scene, as the hot vampire brother who always annoys the pseudo-Edward character by sneaking up on all his human friends and drinking their blood.
and Somerhalder is one of the few actors who really know how to emote using facial expressions. Chuck's perpetual squinting to channel 'sexy' was so yesterday yo!
hahah pseudo-Edward, on the other hand, is only sexy when he takes his shirt off. other than that, he's as stiff as a vampire in a coffin. like Edward, he feeds on animal blood to sustain himself but at least Edward has the energy to be charming.
go watch! putting aside all the vampire-twilight cliches, its sexier than gossip girl, with an awesome soundtrack, and of course, Ian Somerhalder! (:
all the right moves
Nov 14, 2009 @ 1:14 AM
i'm going to make an effort not to complain about exams and just get it over and done with. in 3 weeks, i will be living the life that is the stuff of (my current) dreams!
well yesterday i was studying fluid mixing at home, when my brat of a brother decided to watch Paranormal Activity. and although i don't watch horror shit like that, because i am easily spooked, i couldn't help it but to keep turning over to watch bits of the movie. i mean, it has to be the freakiest movie of the year for a reason right. ya well, i found out that reason the hard way.
after that, i had so much trouble trying to convince myself to put all thoughts of the movie scenes out of my head the whole night. it didn't even help that it was 2am of friday the 13th when i went to sleep. i even tried to recall the exact contents of fluid mixing notes from page 1 onwards until i was mentally exhausted enough to sleep.
i was so scared to get up to pee at 5 am also, because it was still dark, that i put it off until i really couldn't take it.
omg i'm not even going to do a review of the movie because i know i won't be able to stop thinking about it, and then i'm going to have another sleepless night.
haha well but today i decided to be smarter and studied outside. and indeed, there were much less distractions: i wasn't mousehunting every 15 minutes, or thinking of new things to tweet, or telling my brother to get a life, or eating provence wassants, or checking out the 'new arrivals' section of Forever 21. in 5 hours, i managed to finish 3 sets of GEK notes. niceeee!
it got pretty unbearable at the end because a bunch of 16 year old girls plopped themselves in the next table and started talking, actually no, it was more like screeching, about how skinny or muscular each other's brother's were, not posting embarrassing comments or photos of each other on facebook, and more boys who weren't related to any of them. lol i know kaye is going to want to associate me with them, but i seriously do not check my friends' brothers out on facebook hahaha!
so i gave up and enjoyed the rest of the friday night roaming around town like there weren't stupid exams to be worried about. best day all week, i'd say! (:
hey sexy!
Nov 10, 2009 @ 11:58 PM
we were all bloody kee siao today after dosage form CA, because there was a 4 hour break and it wouldn't be justified to slack off since exams are so near. so we camped outside LT 24 and read notes. well most of us at least- suelynn was reading emma, and nope, its not for a lit module.
and in the spirit of kee siaoness, here goes!!
When he takes out his SLR, I say 'hey SExY'
When he tell me turn around, I say 'hey SExY'
When i'm swimming in the sea
Or we catching them fishes
Don't care if people see
I say, 'hey SExY'
Silly girls,
They always break my heart.
Silly girls,
I want but i can't touch.
Silly girls,
I don't need you anymore
Silly girls,
Its not because i'm SORE!
Cause we're too sexy in the zouk
Too sexy in the zouk
So sexy they pukeeeeee
If you, feel sexy in the zouk
My speakers here are good
Come on down, mi-so lonely
helps if you sing along to this LOL
mmm watcha say?
Nov 8, 2009 @ 11:22 PM
WILDZ man. its a completely different scene at this place. i think the worst thing that anyone can do to me is to blindfold me and leave me in SOHO for someone to find me. i swear i'll never be the same after that.
and the standard of spoken english is APPALLING. there are at least 10 Ris Lows in the same video!
'today is SARADAY?'
'its the only ladies night on SARADAY?'
hahaha does she always have to insert the upward inflexion at the end of her SARADAYs???
but i guess its probably because she's unsure about how to pronounce it properly.
oh and check out this doosh at the 47th second, who is patting his both hands on some girl's butt like they're samba drums.

'he may be shy on the bedroom'
honestly, anyone would. because your neighbours would think you are crazy for climbing up there in the first place!
'because he can shake his S well!'
hahah i know she meant 'ass' but really, i dont comprehend how ass-shaking has anything to do with a man's virility. the girl has a very strange concept about copulation indeed.

hahah!!! and omg look at these two girls go. the one in white simply looks like someone spiked her beer with laxatives, and is having massive waves of peristalsis. hello friend, toilet is the other way.
moral of the story: dont go to Fresh on SARADAYS?
heh heh and i was watching the music video for Watcha Say when it felt like mugging was seriously centrifuging the contents of my brain.
jason derulo looks like he really needs to pee and his girlfriend is hogging the toilet to get back at him for staring at some other chick. LOL